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What are the causes of vaginal dryness?Updated 3 months ago

Vaginal dryness can happen when your hormones go through a huge adjustment, which includes the menopause transition, the postpartum period and some research has even shown that combined oral contraceptive pills might cause vaginal dryness in some women. 

Estrogen does more than just regulate your menstrual cycle and help with pregnancy; it also plays a key role in lubricating your vaginal tissue and keeping it strong and healthy. When your estrogen levels fluctuate and decline over time, the lining of the vagina becomes thinner, the vagina itself narrows and shortens, and your vagina produces less lubrication.

We at Kindra believe that no woman should suffer in silence with symptoms that society has deemed embarrassing or “shameful.” Vaginal dryness is frustrating at best, debilitating at worst, and everyone deserves solutions that work for them. Our products help restore hydration and moisture to your intimate skin. Formulated with ingredients shown to support the healing of the skin-moisture barrier over time, provide hydration and moisture, reduce discomfort, and help you feel comfortable again.

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